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          Life   of   Tara 

 Controlled Folly







 It's very difficult for us to live truly. For almost people, to live is
to reserve themselves as they are. Therefore, a person gathers
only just his convenient words and is satisfied with such words.
His daily thought is nothing but such a false deed. That might be
a 'controlled folly' leading to a true road. However he doesn't know
whether his road leads to a true road in the end.
 Controlled folly is a word being used in 'The lessons of Don Juan'
by Carlos Castaneda. It is said that Castaneda heard the sorcerer's
world from Don Juan who was a Yaqui Indian in Mexico, in his fieldwork.
But I think this work is almost not non-fiction but fiction. However
Castaneda's work gave us a great spiritual influence.
 Don Juan said as follows. Our daily lives are filled with a lot of false.
But we need these false deeds in order to live. So, a warrior
should control these deeds in his responsibility and he has to fight
his life toward his death.
 Journey to Ixtlan is the third book of 'The lessons of Don Juan'. I like
this book published by Pocket Books New York in Aplril,1974. In this
book, the personality description of Don Genaro, a close friend of
Don Juan, is splendid. Ixtlan is a nostalgic hometown where Don Genaro
is trying to reach. But he never be able to reach to Ixtlan because he
is a true warrior who overcame his daily life of controlled folly. Now,
he is detached from this human world and walks around nothingness
though he has loved people and the earth has loved him before.
 The following last sentence of this book is very impressive.
 Don Genaro reminded Castaneda that Castaneda had read a poem to
him once and wanted Castaneda to recite it. It was a poem written
by Juan Ramon Jimenez, a famous Spanish poet.

  …and I will leave. But the birds will stay, singing : and my garden
  will stay, with its green tree, with its water well.
  Many afternoons the skies will be blue and placid, and the bells in the
  belfry will chime, as they are chiming this very afternoon.
  The people who have loved me will pass away, and the town will burst
  anew every year.
  But my spirit will always wander nostalgic in the same recondite corner
  of my flowery garden.

 "That is the feeling Genaro is talking about." Don Juan said.
 "What Genaro told you in his story is precisely that Genaro left his
  passion in Ixtlan: his home, his people, all the things he cared for.
  And now he wanders around in his feelings."

 Beautiful sentences! A human being has to walk between each life
and death while dealing with each controlled folly. However sometime
we should leave this secular world and should try to become a true
warrior like Don Genaro even on the eve of each death.
 I want to send a last message to Don Genaro by using one of the
sentences in 'The Lessons of Don Juan'.

  Oh! How high soars my Indian bothers!


 Seeking for communication beyond the mountain








 As I expressed in 'the letter from Taranomeann', my thought created
at Tara spreads beyond the mountain range which I can overlook
from Tara. I hope my thought will resonate with people in other countries
far from Tara. However such hope is nothing more than a hope.
I will not adhere to the expansion about my thought. Rather, I hope
a few people will be interested in my thought sometime somewhere.
At any rate, I have no choice but to think what I ought to think plainly
without going against natural life or simple life.
 My thought spreads out aiming at being myself. Various events so far
have been coming toward me. Among them, I remember the event
which guided me to my original path when I was hopeless. I have to
chisel that memory toward the future. The path that one human being
follows is never accidental stream. He is thrown into this world as
the expanse between his life and death. Therefore, that memory
shows an expansion between my life and my death.
 In that memory, I am sure that we can communicate with people whom
we trust heartily in each mind without physical contact. Hermann Hesse
shows that such phenomenon is the work by God of Abraxas in his
novel,'Demian'. That is miracle but this miracle is related to the
confidence about being oneself.

 Kierkegaad said that to be oneself is everything for a human being.

Being oneself is a great expansion of freedom.
 My entire hardship so far has been consolidated into a great expansion
of freedom. Therefore, my thought expands freely anywhere seeking
sympathetic resonance all over the world.
 We are able to reach the true sympathetic resonance only through
being oneself each other, I think.


Time flies







 Time flies before we know it. No matter how much we try to hurry
up, when it compares to the extraordinary time of the universe,

time of a human life will be just only an instant.
 So, human being’s life fades away like a dayfly in this universe.
Therefore, what kind of meaning is there in human being’s
struggling life? Isn't it a life for self-realization? What is self-
realization? Gandhi connected it with God. What is God?
 Gandhi said, “I have not seen Him, neither have I known Him.
I have made the world’s faith in God my own, and as my faith
is ineffaceable, I regard that faith as amounting to experience.
I have no word for characterizing my belief in God.”
(An autobiography Beacon Press/ Boston)
 God for Gandhi was some experience which attacked him and
guided him for his true destination. It seems clear that we can
never advance our own road by ourselves and that we can find
some occurrence which attacked us leads us to our true
destination. What is some occurrence or experience? We don’t
know. It is a mystery. It is a phenomenon of time for a human
 Time flies and human being’s time is very short. But no matter
how fast time flies, we should wait for some occurrence patiently
while doing what we ought to do in our daily life.



 What is a simple life?






 I have cited Walden written by Henry David Thoreau, in this diary
on November 5th 2011. He told about a simple life as follows.
 That is, most of the luxuries of life and many of the so-called
comforts prevent human beings from realizing their full powers.
To love wisdom and live according to its principles is a simple life.

 What is wisdom which he thought of? I think that wisdom is not
intellectual knowledge but the knowledge which a person can
gain from one’s severe experience.
 Wisdom is not smart but strong enough for a person to carry out
one’s true self-realization.
 To love such wisdom is called a simple life. When a person finds
his true road, he never comes to adhere to luxurious and
wasteful things and he comes to love a simple life.
 However, to come to reach to such a situation, a person
might wait for one’s time to come patiently.      
 A simple life is formed out of a simple mind. A simple mind has
the confidence that you can find the fruitful thought only inside
your mind, not outside your mind.
 In fact, a person has each person’s way how to carry out one’s
true self-realization. We have to esteem such each person’s
way. Therefore, simple life is a life of coexistence.
 A life of coexistence is not only a life with human beings but also
a life with all creatures.
 I learned such an idea from a life of Tara.



 From Tara to the world






 Trees around Tara have been growing thickly as summer is
getting near. Therefore, as you see the photo, a lot of trees are
growing as if they covered Tara completely. I am worried that they
might destroy Tara's roof.
  I have ever cut their branches so as not to crush Tara's roof.
However, I think that they will not do so now and will cover Tara
gently. They seem to watch my struggle to maintain Tara warmly.
So, I think that Tara will not corrupt by many obstacles such as
termite and corrosion any more.
  They are swinging and glittering with wind and sunshine. And
they seem to tell me as follows. That is, they will protect Tara
from now on. So I should go down from Tara to the world. From
Tara to the world? What does it mean?
  I have not ability meaningful to make a difference in the world
from now. But something drives me toward the world despite
my old age. Maybe, I will visit South India and meet my friends
again. When? Next summer?
  So I think I have to prepare various things at Tara as the base
of my simple life.



Tara surrounded by fresh green leaves






   Fresh green leaves of trees around Tara are glittering.
  Flowers of brassica family are dancing in a gentle breeze.
  In such a comfortable air, I can work pleasantly at Tara.
  I have recovered from an acute severe bronchitis completely.
  So, I have a pleasant sweat working in a fragrant breeze.
   Today, I had cleaned all glass windows in the rooms of Tara.
  Therefore, I can see cheerful and pleasant dancing of fresh
  green leaves clearly, from indoor.
   There are a lot of things that I have to do at Tara.
  Today, except cleaning glass windows, I fixed a broken key of
  the front door and put insecticide against hornets on the places
  where they seem to make the nest.

   After that, I spent the afternoon seeing a mountain range
  far away with an absent-minded way at Tara.



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